FOG IT BOX 4000 PUFFS 一次性電子煙

  • 4000 PUFFS
  • 1500mAh電池
  • 12ML
  • 12 種口味:漿果蜜桃爆破|葡萄蘋果冰|美味軟糖|蜜桃樂園|炸彈莓果|清爽|藍色安娜|蘋果奶昔|能量飲料|草莓芒果|草莓冰淇淋|西瓜冰


Fog It Box
Fog it box 4000 puffs 一次性電子煙

BERRY PEACH BLAST – Designed to keep your cravings in check, juicy peaches with a delicious berry tart blend.
GRAPE APPLE ICE – Perfect fruity blend of juicy sweet grapes and crisp red apple slices that will keep you yearning for more.
YUMMI GUMMI – The traditional snack, pacify that need of sweet taste in your mouth followed by the smell.
PEACH PARADISE – Delicate mix of sweet peaches, truly sweet and refreshing flavor blend to satisfaction.
BOMB BERRY – Long lasting taste made from this infusion of black berries, strawberries, cherries and freezing menthol.
REFRESHER – Mango, passion fruit and dragon fruit, only for the exotic fruits lovers.
BLUENANA – A perfect mix of blueberry and banana. You need this amazing flavor in your pocket!
APPLE SHAKE – Delicious mix of red, green and yellow apple. You will love this apple shake.
ENERGY DRINK – Made for those who work hard, if that describes you then this disposable was made for you.
STRAWBERRY MANGO – Taste the thickness of mango and the sweetness of strawberries in one disposable.
STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM – Ice cream brimmed with strawberry flavor.
WATERMELON ICE – Enjoy this icy flavored watermelon disposable made perfectly for the Summer.


FOG IT一次性電子煙 12種口味與4000 PUFFS享受
探索FOG IT一次性電子煙,1500mAh電池,提供持久且美味的吸煙體驗,讓您徹底滿足,你的最優選擇!!!

漿果蜜桃爆破, 葡萄蘋果冰, 美味軟糖, 蜜桃樂園, 炸彈莓果, 清爽, 藍色安娜, 蘋果奶昔, 能量飲料, 草莓芒果, 草莓冰淇淋, 西瓜冰

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